I pulled my first all-nighter since college to create two digital planners, and even as I yawn wide and often this morning, I don’t regret that decision for a second. I love digital planners. I was the kid with a Day-Timer planner chock full of notes and to-do lists back in the 90’s and 00’s, and now as an adult who has been jotting down notes on whatever scraps are near at hand, I welcome planners back into my life.
Digital planners are more than just paper-savers, they also just make sense for the way we live our lives. Carrying around a heavy notebook seems ridiculous to me, because I have a much lighter, sleeker, and faster iPhone or iPad with me at all times.
Also? I’m a child at heart, and I love stickers. You can decorate your notes and lists with digital stickers, and you don’t have to worry that the super-rare, ultra-important sticker you’ve been treasuring will go to waste on a page deep inside your notebook. Once you download a set of stickers, they’re yours forever, and you can use them over and over again.
The same goes for an undated digital planner. I understand why some people like having dated calendars, but I enjoy being able to fill my calendars with my own important dates. It means I can use the planner again and again as well!
Have I sold you on the magic of digital planners yet? I have one in my Etsy shop right now. It’s light purple and BTS ARMY themed.
Want a free one to try first? I get it. I made one for you! The free digital planner is available to download for my email list subscribers! Just enter the secret password and download everything on the page. Go nuts. It’s all for you!